Baseball Hall of Fame
The Thome Family
Chuck Thome, Sr.
Art Thome
Chuck Thome, Jr.
Carolyn Thome
This remarkable family compiled an outstanding softball/baseball record which spanned three decades and which is considered unequaled in the annals of area sports. The four Thomes as a team collected some 5,000 hits in their lifetimes.
Chuck, Sr., began a Sunday Morning League career in 1923, played regularly through 1948, and appeared as a pinch-hitter as late as 1959. He also managed Hiram Walker for many years.
Art Thome, an outstanding hitter from his days at Peoria Manual High School, spent 18 years in the league, last playing in 1962 while Chuck, Jr., performed for 15 years, ending his play in 1968.
Chuck Sr., had 477 hits, Art, 428, and Chuck, Jr., 238, in the Sunday Morning League. Art and Chuck Jr. also spent many years playing major softball. Chuck, Sr., was a standout in the International Softball Congress, while Art played for many seasons with the Caterpillar Diesels when that team played many of the top teams in the land.
Carolyn Thome, a member of the Amateur Softball Association Hall of Fame and the Illinois State Softball Hall of Fame, produced 561 base hits with the Caterpillar and Pekin Lettes from 1947 through 1962 and had 26 more in 10 national tournaments.