Football Hall of Fame
1957 Woodruff Football Team
First Row: Bob Thompson, Manager, Jerry Edenburn, Bill Shelton, Bob Doss, John Helmick, Greg Short, Bob Triplett, Ron Allen, Manager.
Second Row: Gary Paulson, Mike Mitchell, Ken Allen, Bob Hibbard, Howard Williamson, Roger Heyl, Bill Drysdale, Garry Muzzy, Jack Patterson.
Third Row: Coach Boucher, Joe Risius, Jim Hulbart, Perry Broughton, Paul Russell, John Fauser, Keith Clark, Ray Rose, Bob Buttgen, LeRoy Lincoln, Gary Blunk, Coach Charles Gross.
Back Row: Jim Carrithers, Dick Detweiler, Paul Chamberlain, Jim Pearson, Bob Broman, Bob Fogelsong, Gary Osar, Dennis Crotty, Paul Russell, Joe Livingston, Leonard Shuck.
AFTER LOSING ONE GAME in 1956, the 1957 team, also coached by Virgil Boucher, produced another unbeaten season, winning its first nine games before battling Manual to a 7-7 tie in the final game of the season. The 1957 team scored 275 points and allowed 76, shutting out Limestone, Kewanee and East Peoria.
Again, Woodruff played a major role in the All-City team. Offensively, John Fauser was selected at tackle, Keith Clark at guard and Bob Buttgen at fullback. On defense, Leroy Lincoln was named at end, John Fauser and Keith Clark as linemen and Jack Patterson at linebacker and Bob Buttgen at defensive back.